RayOne® Trifocal has fewer rings on the optic surface than many trifocal IOLs for reduced potential visual disturbances and improved night vision.
Optimised patented diffractive design is a construct of two profiles to form our patented design:
RayOne® Trifocal improves intermediate visual acuity enabling patients to feel more comfortable transitioning from near to distance activities.
RayOne® Trifocal is designed with:
+3.50 D near add
37.5 cm reading plane
+1.75 D intermediate add
75.0 cm reading plane
RayOne® RayOne® Trifocal offers excellent performance across Near, Intermediate and Distance vision, and with the retained light energy through the diffractive profile providing excellent contrast sensitivity. In low light conditions when compared to other diffractive trifocal technologies the RayOne® Trifocal maintains its performance across the three foci points. Trifocal offers excellent performance across Near, Intermediate and Distance vision, and with the retained light energy through the diffractive profile providing excellent contrast sensitivity. In low light conditions when compared to other diffractive trifocal technologies the RayOne® Trifocal maintains its performance across the three foci points.
Rayner model eye bench simulator viewing USAF 1951 target charts. Monocular images that do not take into account the binocular sum that improves the overall view at all distances. A +20.0 D power IOL was used for all IOLs. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. Source: Rayner test data held on file.
Designed as a randomised, observer and subject masked, crossover comparison study using an IOL simulator device.
Any rotation, tilt or decentration of a multifocal lens could affect patient outcomes and cause phototopic disturbances. Our anti-vaulting haptic technology® gives proven rotational and centrational stability, plus excellent fixation in the capsular bag1:
Rayner's 360° Amon-Apple Enhanced Square Edge creates an optimum barrier to reduce epithelial cell migration including at the haptic-optic junction 4,3
At 12 months | 0.6% | 9.3 ± 5.5 months (range 2.6 - 22.7 months) Follow-up period: 5.3 – 29 months |
At 24 months | 1.7% |
Study of 3,461 patients receiving Rayner 570C IOLs over a 24 month period, Nd:YAG capsulotomy rates were extremely low and comparable with hydrophobic acrylic lenses with square-edge optics4
Model Name: | RayOne® Trifocal |
Model Number: | RA0603F |
Power Range: | 0.0 D to +30.0 D (increments 0.5 D) Trifocal, diffractive, +3.5 D near add and +1.75 D intermediate add at the IOL plane |
推注系统 | |
Injector Type: | Single use, fully preloaded IOL injection system |
喷嘴直径: | 1.65 mm |
喷嘴斜面角度: | 45° |
人工晶体推送方式: | 单手植入 |
非球面人工晶体 | |
Material: | Rayacryl® 亲水丙烯酸 |
含水量: | 26% in equilibrium |
紫外线防护: | 紫外线吸收剂 |
紫外线透过率: | UV 10% (380 nm) |
屈光指数: | 1.46 |
Overall Length: | 12.50 mm |
Optic Diameter: | 6.00 mm |
Optic Shape: | Biconvex (positive powers) |
非球面技术: | Aberration-neutral technology |
光学部边缘设计: | Amon-Apple 360° 360° 完全方边 |
襻夹角: | 0°, uniplanar |
襻形: | Closed loop with anti-vaulting haptic (AVH) technology |
Estimated Constants for Optical Biometry | |||||
SRK/T | Haigis | HofferQ | Holladay | ||
A-constant | a0 | a1 | a2 | pACD | SF |
118.6 | 1.17 | 0.40 | 0.10 | 5.32 | 1.56 |
Please note that the constants indicated for all Rayner lenses are estimates and are for guidance purposes only. Surgeons must always expect to personalise their own constants based on initial patient outcomes, with further personalisation as the number of eyes increases.
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