Sulcoflex® Multifocal

Sulcoflex® Multifocal

Sulcoflex Multifocal IOLs are indicated for the correction of pseudophakic presbyopia, thereby significantly reducing the need for additional near correction by the use of spectacles or contact lenses.

Based on Rayner's refractive aspheric optic technology, near vision is achieved by the addition of +3.5 D at the IOL plane in a far dominant format.


Innovative Design

Hydrophilic acrylic injectable IOLs with undulating haptics and posterior haptic angulation


Rayner Sulcoflex Pseudophakic Supplementary IOLs are designed to be implanted in the ciliary sulcus to correct any residual post-operative refractive errors following the primary implantation of a conventional IOL in the capsular bag*.

* An iridotomy/iridectomy may be necessary.

Indications1, 4

  • Post-surgical ametropia
  • Enhancement of the refractive result after RLE or PRELEX
  • Enhancement of near / far vision
  • Correction of pseudophakic presbyopia
  • 矫正人工晶体眼术后残余散光
  • 极端近视或远视
  • 患者正在经历屈光改变
  • 无法进行生物测量患者的屈光矫正


  • 独特设计的后凹面,最大限度的减少与囊袋内晶体的接触
  • 减少明亮视觉的干扰
  • 减少远视力散焦的干扰。


  • 手术创伤低于囊袋内植入的人工晶体
  • 避免了取出纤维化的囊袋内晶体。


  • 最佳的视觉效果
  • 降低触碰虹膜的风险
  • 降低边缘眩光和闪辉。


  • 独特的波浪形攀型设计,10°攀夹角
  • 卓越的居中性和旋转稳定性
  • 减少了与葡萄膜接触的风险
  • 降低色素剥落综合症的发生
  • 光滑的波浪形攀型设计最大限度的降低了在睫状沟与其他组织的反应。

** 不规则的睫状沟解剖可能会引起术后晶体的旋转位移,充足的虹膜到晶体和晶体到晶体之间的距离


  1. Claoué C. Clinical and Surgical Ophthalmology 2008; 26(6): 198-200.
  2. Nanavaty MA et al. JCRS 2009; 35(4): 663-71
Sulcoflex IOLs are supplied with a Rayner injector
  • Uniquely designed loading bay with an extension "lip" to facilitate loading.
  • Soft plunger tip completely fills the nozzle and offers a soft protective interface with the IOL.
  • Syringe-style design for single-handed technique for smooth IOL delivery with predictable and efficient insertion, ensuring consistent IOL implantations.
  • Sterile Single-Use, ready to use.
Model Name: Sulcoflex
Model Number: 653F
Power Range:

-7.0 to +7.0 (0.5 D increments)

Optic Diameter: 6.50mm
Overall Length: 14.00mm
Injector Type: 一次性使用,手动安装
喷嘴直径: 2.00 mm
喷嘴斜面角度: 45°
人工晶体推送方式: 单手植入
Refractive Multifocal IOL
材料: Rayacryl® 一片式亲水丙烯酸酯材料
含水量: 26%
紫外线防护: 紫外线吸收剂
紫外线透过率: UV 10% (380 nm)
屈光指数: 1.46
光学部形状: Posterior concave surface
非球面技术: Anterior aspheric surface with aberration-neutral technology
光学部边缘设计: Round-edged optic
襻夹角: 10°
襻形: Posterior haptic angulation




Rayner Supplementary Platform

For when compromise is not an option

As a cataract and refractive surgeon, achieving the best possible visual results for your patients is paramount. But sometimes, even the best patient selection and most accurate work can result in refractive surprises.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a lens that offers you more than one shot? An option that is reversible?

Rayner Sulcoflex Pseudophakic Supplementary IOLs are designed to be implanted in the ciliary sulcus to correct any residual post-operative refractve errors following the implantation of a conventional IOL in the capsular bag.

When considering an intraocular lens, what's important to you ?

Click on + below to see the features and benefits of the Rayner Supplementary Platform.






14.0mm的全长,波浪形攀型 for stable fixation in the ciliary sulcus





  • 卓越的生物相容性
  • 优异的光学清晰度-没有液泡和闪辉


  • 增强了对比敏感度和视觉敏感度(当和球面光学部比较时)
* When compared to spherical optics


2. Capsular and uveal biocompatibility at three years following hydrophilic lens implantation in eyes with uveitis history –photographic assessment. A. Vyas, D. Spokes, R. Narendran, P. Bacon Scarborough Hospital, UK. Presented at ESCRS, Stockholm, 2007.
3. Comparison of the uveal and capsular biocompatibility of the Rayner Centerflex (570H) vs Rayner C-flex® (570C) – three year results. Amon et al., Vienna, Austria. Presented at ESCRS, Stockholm, 2007.

Scientific Papers and Supporting Materials

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