Impact Foundation Bangladesh report on Rayner
Posted on 09/06/2005
The Impact Foundation of Bangladesh recently reported on the work that it has done since Rayner started to regularly supply intraocular lenses to the Foundation. The lenses are used by Bangladesh and visiting surgeons from around the world such as recent visitors, Dr Bruce Munro from Geelong, Victoria, Australia and Mr Jim Haslam, Ophthalmic Surgeon from Darlington, UK.
Report on the use of Intraocular Lenses of Rayner Intraocular Lenses Ltd at IMPACT’s Masudul Haque Memorial Community Health Centre, Chuadanga and IMPACT Jibon Tari Floating Hospital
Impact Foundation Bangladesh (IFB) started its journey in 1993, with the inspiration and support from Sir John Wilson, CBE, DCL, the architect of the Global IMPACT Movement, as an international initiative against avoidable disablement. Promoted by UNDP, UNICEF and WHO in association with the government of each participating country, IMPACT brings together activities, which already exist at international, national and community levels, strengthening and extending them.
The Bangladesh Blindness Survey showed that 1.3-1.4% of those aged 30 or over are blind (an estimated 0.7% of the total population). Approximately, 85% of this blindness is due to cataract. According to the 1999-2000 population based survey into the causes and prevalence of blindness in Bangladesh, cataract is by far the major cause of blindness (80%), with a prevalence of blindness of 0.8%. This data indicates a prevalence of 6,400 people blind from cataract per million.
As sight can be restored to a large number of people through cataract surgery, IMPACT Foundation Bangladesh has been emphasizing on cataract surgeries with implantation of IOLs in IMPACT ‘Jibon Tari’ Floating Hospital and IMPACT Masudul Haque Memorial Community Health Centre, Chuadanga.
Rayner Intraocular Lenses Ltd. has been supporting the efforts of IFB by donating IOLs since 1999. In a recent donation, in October 2004 IFB received a kind donation of 210 IOLs from Rayner Intraocular Lenses Ltd.
These IOLs were equally distributed in IFB’s two projects. This report tells of how the lenses have been implanted in the eyes of some of the poorest people. All 210 were used during the period November 2004 to February 2005.
IMPACT Foundation Bangladesh is grateful to Rayner Intraocular Lenses Ltd. for their continuos support to IMPACT Foundation Bangladesh to reduce the disability in the society, particularly among the poorest people of Bangladesh.
Visit the IMPACT website for more information on their work world-wide, or to make a donation.