Making a Difference: Rayner Aids the Restoration of Sight to Some of the World’s Most Underprivileged Patients
Posted on 07/05/2015
Rayner Donates Lenses to a Recent Mission Trip to India.
Rayner recently supported a successful mission trip to India by donating IOLs to ICARE – a hospital dedicated to providing charitable eye-care. Through working with the Rayner’s local distributor in India - and 4 generous US-based surgeons – the company was able to help restore the gift of sight to those in great need.
Having recently returned from the mission – his third with ICARE – US-based Surgeon Dr Gaurav Singh describes a particularly memorable encounter during his visit.
‘‘Almost all the patients there had mature and well-progressed cataracts. One such patient was Gangajally – a 60 year old lady who could barely see out of either one of her eyes, and was found to have a totally white cataract in the right eye and a visually significant cataract in the other. She relayed to me during the surgery that she could barely get around because of her lack of vision. Furthermore, because of her financial hardship, she had been unable to pay for cataract surgery. "I can barely afford to eat one meal a day" she replied in her native language of Hindi when I asked her why she hadn't gotten surgery done earlier. She had come to the eye camp hoping to improve her quality of life. After the surgery, she was very thankful to the entire surgical staff in the room saying, "I will give you my blessings since I don't have money.""
ICARE Charity Hospital
Ishwar Charitable Trust (ICT) was established in 1982 by Dr. Sushil Choudhry in the name of his late mother Smt. Ishwar Choudhry. ICARE Eye Hospital was established in 1993 in Noida under the ICT. It is situated on an acre of land in Noida and is equipped with the entire range of state-of-the-art diagnostic, curative, and surgical equipment in the field of Ophthalmology. The hospital is manned by highly qualified skilled, competent and motivated medical, paramedical and support staff providing comprehensive diagnosis, treatment and surgical services covering the entire range of ocular sub-specialities comparable to international standards. ICARE has 9 sub-speciality clinics which examine and treat over 200 walk-in patients every day.
This heart-warming story is the latest in a long line of successes and with the help of worldwide charity organisations such as IMPACT, Orbis, and ICARE, Rayner’s IOLs have restored sight to hundreds of thousands of people in the developing world.
Rayner is proud to be part of this life-changing work.
For more information on the work of ICARE please visit:

An example of the mature cataracts displayed by many of the patients

A patient receives the retro bulbar anethesia

Surgery in progress

Being patched afterwards